2024 Vacation Bible School Registration

Vacation Bible School is for children ages 4 years old through students going into 5th grade. It will be held on July 8th - July 12th, from 9am-12pm each day. Always fun! Always Free!
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Photography Release: By typing your name below you are authorizing the use of photographs and videos including yourself and/or your child for use in church publicity.

Parent/Guardian or Adult Participant Agreement: I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the above named youth or adult-aged participant, recognize that this is a Christian event and that it will have a spiritual emphasis. I grant permission for the youth to participate in the various outings, or any other event sponsored or attended by New Creation Fellowship. I, as parent/guardian, have been advised of the nature and extent of the activities that may take place and represent to you that the participant is physically and mentally able to participate in those activities.

I, as parent/guardian, understand that these activities, as in any activity for young people, does represent the risk of injury, or even death, to the participant, rare as they may be, and I have advised the participant of those possibilities. I represent to you that the participant and I assume the risk of any such injury or death, and hold you, your agents, employees, and representatives harmless from any liability to any other person or entity arising as a result of the conduct of the participant in these activities and agree to defend and indemnify you, your agents, employees, and representatives against any claim or liability arising as a result of such conduct.

If I, as parent/guardian, am not personally present at these activities in which the participant is to participate, so as to be consulted in the case of necessity, you are authorized on my behalf to arrange for such medical and hospital treatment as you may deem advisable for the health and well being of the participant.

*If you are experiencing any illness (cold symptons, vomitting, fever etc.) within 24 hours of VBS, please choose to stay home, in order to keep all attendees safe. If while at VBS any symptoms occur, you will contacted to bring your child home.



Vacation Bible School is for children ages 4 years old through students going into 5th grade. It will be held on July 8th - July 12th, from 9am-12pm each day. Always fun! Always Free!